I have always been a make-do kind of gal. That was what originally drew me to altered art--the making do with what I had, the making of something out of nothing.
In some ways, my art has gotten away from that principle in that I have collected a lot of 'store-bought' materials, but I still like taking a scrap of this 'n that and turning it into something pretty.

When I see something I like, my first question is, "How can I make this myself?" I like the challenge. To me, it's all a part of my creative process. And more original. And it's just more fun.

My materials and supplies tend to be more of the bare essentials variety, basic pantry staples, as it were, that can be used as creative tools. I purchase few embellishments, preferring to make my own.

When I see something I like, my first question is, "How can I make this myself?" I like the challenge. To me, it's all a part of my creative process. And more original. And it's just more fun.
These little pieces are fun to do when nothing else comes to mind, but the fingers want to create. Then I add them to my stash until I'm searching for the perfect detail.

Ann Kroeker ascribes to this same make-do principle. While my contribution may not be that practical for the other participants, I am joining in on Make-Do Monday just to applaud those who find alternative, clever and frugal ways to solve everyday problems.

"Altered art." I love that phrase. Is it commonly used, or did you coin it? Your reflections on using a bit of this and that to create something is making do in such a fresh and fun way! I salute and celebrate your make-do-ness!
this is great! I immediately think of scrapbooking when I see little embellishments like that - and because I don't scrapbook I tend not to need to many of those things. However, I like to tuck those types of things that I find into letters, use as bookmarks and send them off to my 5 year old niece. I love to craft with paper - I may just have to follow your lead.
Great idea - I'm so glad you joined MDM. I'm Kristin from The Goat.
I'm with you; making do is so much better and economical! And I like the homemade look more, too.
Cute little embellishments!
It never fails when I am trying to find just the right thing for something that I will go to the store and look for something. Most times I am disappointed and think "Oh, I will just go home and make do." 9 times out of 10, I will find something better at home that I already had that I can use for a substitute. This applies to many types of creations from cooking, to sewing to making altered art.
Creating your own emblishments is a wonderful way to make truely one of a kind unique art. Good for you making do with what you have!
I am in your team. :)
Your goodies are gorgeous! I too love a challenge of "how did they do that!" I used to spend hours studying and making things I've seen in stores and at craft bazaars. You Go Girl!
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