We spent 4 glorious days and nights at the beautiful campground with my parents. The weather was nice with a mixture of sun, clouds and a few sprinkles thrown in. The mornings and evenings were cool--just right for sitting around a fire. As you well see below, we went through a stack of wood. We only left camp once for a quick trip to town. My next post will have pictures I collected on our walks around the campground.
The view from our trailer door |
The wood pile: before and after |
clockwise from upper left: Cheesy beefy casserole, Sweet Lemon shrimp, Waffle corn dogs, Beef stew |
Looks like a good time to me!
I wished many times that I was there!
Comment from Linda J. that butterfingers (me) deleted:
Looks like a good time and you are so lucky to still have parents to share this with! Mine are both gone and Gary's father died last Friday. We just have his mom, now. And, I don't know what it is about American flags but they just get me right here! (holding hand over heart)
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