
Cotton seed/grain bin in Corsicana

 This awesome monstrosity was on our main thoroughfare to and from the hotel and eating/shopping.  I was smitten the first time I saw it,enjoyed it at every passing, finally taking time to photograph it one afternoon. I put a car in the picture to try and convey just how huge it is.

I loved the roundness, the rustiness, the pointy top pushing into the blue sky.

I wanted to climb the scant winding staircase.....

 .....and see on the other side of this little door.

It reminded me of a chubby land-locked lighthouse.

To add to the novelty: this bin is located at the intersection of
7th Street and 7th Avenue.

In contrast to the tall, round white of the bin, stands a no less huge angular and red structure,
yet they seemed to go together like a long married couple

What little information I could find:

Built in 1952, the renovated grain silo has been used as a hat shop, a vegetable shop, a resale shop, a donut shop and a teenage club. The upstairs was used as businesses and beauty shops, and apartments. [Source]

At one time there were plans for this to be an antiques/skating/eating establishment.

Both appear to be vacant today. I wonder what future lives are in store for these two old beauties.



Kristin said...

What a cool find! Those Texas skies are so beautiful and blue!

Cindy said...

I could have sworn I made a post here. :-/ Enjoy your travels.

Linda Jacobs said...

Yes, I thought of a lighthouse right away! And that red is awesome!


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